Communicating Your Science

Guidelines for Press Releases and Event Announcements

Press Releases and Research Alerts

UCLA Newsroom Press Releases on Research: The UCLA Newsroom will reproduce and distribute press releases on research that can be of broad public interest, shows a major advance, and presents novel or counter-intuitive findings that can be expressed clearly in non-technical language. These press releases will also be posted on the Physical Sciences website.

Lead Time: at least 3 weeks from embargo date.

Requested materials (please send to press embargo date, if available; manuscript/galley proofs or a link to them; a short, one-page summary describing the research in non-scientific and non-technical language along with its benefit to society or potential impact.

UCLA Newsroom Research Alerts: The Newsroom also posts UCLA Research Alerts. This may be an alternative release if there is not enough time to write a longer story or if the research is too technical to explain in depth. Sections in the UCLA Research Alert include: findings, background, method, impact, authors, journal, presentation (if applicable), and funding. Research Alerts will also be posted on the Physical Sciences website.

Lead Time: at least 3 weeks from embargo date.

Requested materials (please send to press embargo date, if available; manuscript/galley proofs or a link to them; a short, one-page summary describing the research in non-scientific and non-technical language along with its benefit to society or potential impact.

Awards and Honors

UCLA Newsroom Announcements on Faculty and Staff Awards and Honors: The UCLA Newsroom highlights awards and honors given to UCLA faculty and staff. These recognitions are posted under the Faculty + Staff page. Awards and honors will also be posted to the Physical Sciences’ Faculty Awards page.

Lead Time: at least 3 weeks from award or honor announcement from awarding institution.

Requested materials (please send to name of award or honor; name of awarding institution/organization; background information/reason for award or honor; information on recognition ceremony or presentation, if applicable;  announcement embargo date, if applicable; link to awarding institution/organization announcement, if applicable; headshot and/or image of member receiving award at recognition ceremony or presentation.


UCLA Newsroom Advisories: A media advisory alerts members of the media in a concise manner to upcoming events including news conferences, grand openings, or presentations of high interest. Sections of the media advisories include: short introductory paragraph, who, when, where, background, registration, details for media, and parking. UCLA events will also be posted in the Events section of the Physical Sciences’ website.

Lead Time: at least one month from event date.

Requested materials (please send to overview or background paragraph about event; event flyer or website, if available; date and time of event; event location; how to attend or registration link; parking information.

UCLA Newsroom out and about:

The Out and About section of the Newsroom alerts the local community to upcoming events.

Lead Time: at least one month from event date.

Requested materials (please send to overview or background paragraph about event; event flyer or website (if available); date and time of event; event location; how to attend or registration link.

Events in the local community: The Newsroom highlights UCLA events occurring in the community on their webpage “UCLA in the Community.” Ample notice must be given so that the writer can attend the event (if possible) to obtain necessary information such as quotes for the piece. Additionally, the write-up should be submitted to the Newsroom no more than 2 days after the event. 

Lead Time: at least one month from event date.

Requested materials (please send to overview or background paragraph about event; event flyer or website (if available); date and time of event; event location; how to attend or registration link; parking information.

Please note: Materials must be submitted accordingly to ensure a timely release. If sufficient materials are not provided, it may impede our ability to draft a release and work collaboratively with the UCLA Newsroom.